Helping Employees Find Value in Their Work


No one will feel as passionate about your business as you do as the leader. That may feel slightly discouraging, but it’s true. You started your business out of your skill, knowledge, and passion. Others coming in are not motivated by the same thing as you. Growing the company is not their dream; therefore, their work to help your business grow doesn’t make them feel valued in and of itself.

Your job as an employer is to help your employees connect to your company. If you want to keep good talent, you must consider what they need to find value in their work. Otherwise, they’ll go work for a company where they do feel valued in what they do.

If you feel your employees are disconnected or you’re experiencing high turnover rates, it might be that they don’t find value in their roles. Here are some things you can do to change that:

1. Provide regular feedback

Don’t wait for annual reviews to provide feedback to your employees. Create a workplace culture where feedback is part of the everyday experience. Regular positive feedback helps employees feel valued and appreciated. Regular negative feedback helps them learn ways to adjust and grow into their role.

When employees see that their work matters—and is noticed—it helps them understand how it contributes to the company’s overall success.

Learn how to give constructive feedback so employees can learn from and appreciate it.

2. Recognize and reward good work

Find ways to recognize and reward the good work employees are doing. Think about when someone acknowledges the good work you’ve done on a project or job. It feels good knowing that you succeeded at accomplishing what you needed to and that others noticed it.

In addition, look for ways to reward their work outside of simply telling them they did well. For example, look for ways to give bonuses, promotions, or other tangible forms of recognition.

3. Encourage employee development

When you invest in someone, it shows them that you care about them and their future. Investing in employee development lets your team know you care about their growth, development, and success. This can be helping them develop skills they need for their job and develop skills they’re interested in for their personal life, such as personal finance.

You can encourage employee development through:

  • Training
  • Educational opportunities
  • Coaching programs
  • Mentoring programs

4. Encourage open communication

Open communication should be the standard expectation within your company. Employee feedback is essential for a healthy culture. However, this does not mean you need to have an “open door” policy where you are available to your employees at all hours of the work day. Instead, create systems for their voices to be heard. This can include holding weekly 15-minute meetings, conducting surveys, and using a suggestion box.

5. Provide a positive work environment

No one likes to work in a negative environment. A positive work environment helps employees feel valued and motivated. You can create a positive culture by fostering a sense of community within your team. Promote a healthy work-life balance for your employees and lead by example in this area. Weave high levels of respect throughout your company so employees treat each other well, even when conflict arises.

6. Show appreciation

Ensure employees know you appreciate the work they do. Acknowledge their work in front of others. Thank them with cards and notes. Implement an Employee of the Month award. Host a monthly employee luncheon.

Take time to consider where your company would be today without the work of your employees. This simple practice can help remind you of how grateful you need to be for your team, which can remind you to communicate it to them regularly.

7. Empower employees

Show employees you value their skills, knowledge, and work by empowering them to make decisions and take ownership of their work. If you’re always delegating tasks but never delegating the responsibility and ownership of the task, employees will quickly tire of the work and grow frustrated.

Instead, look for ways to begin to handing decisions over to employees who have proven they are responsible and can handle it. But remember, you also have to give employees a chance (or several chances), and it’s not always easy to delegate as a leader. Take time to learn how to delegate to set your employee and the company up for success.

Bring in team coaching for your organization

Spearity specializes in bringing teams together to help everyone—from the top down—work intentionally to overcome challenges and achieve the desired results of the organization. If you’re ready to take the next step for your organization, reach out today to explore our coaching programs.

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