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The Strategist

5 Reasons Why Inspiration is the Key to Good Leadership

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.0.98″ background_layout=”light”] Dictionary.com describes the word “inspire” the following ways: “to produce
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The Importance of Buy-in During the Goal Setting Process

There is no getting around the importance of SMART goal setting to reach your business
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How to Choose a Business Consultant to Solve Complex Problems

Businesses face a multitude of complex problems on a daily basis. Which problems the business struggles

Why a Strategic Culture Beats Strategic Planning

I’m sure you have heard stressed the importance of strategic planning for your business. It’s

Finish Your Year Strong!

The fourth quarter is in full swing and we are rapidly approaching the end of
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Why Goal Setting is Crucial for Leadership

Harvard Business conducted a study about goal setting that turned up some astounding results –
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Spearity Joins Sparc to Help Businesses Grow

SPEARity has teamed up with Scale Up Milwaukee and the Sparc program to help small
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