Exhausted from Working Long Hours in Your Business?

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You really meant for 2023 to be different. This was going to be the year you would have a good plan, work the plan, and start to regain some of your life back. You weren’t going to continue working long hours. You would start to find a little more balance in your life. But here […]

7 Ways to Improve Work-Life Balance

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Does work-life balance sound like something from a fairytale? Your reality looks more like hustling all day at work and then falling into bed feeling guilty about the things you didn’t accomplish in your personal life. Maybe you’re worried about the lack of time you’re giving to your most important relationships like your spouse or […]

7 Things to Do If You’ve Lost Joy in Your Business

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No one starts a business believing they will hate what they do day in and day out. You start a business believing you are going to build something that gives you control, freedom, and allows you to use your skills and passion. However, many business owners and entrepreneurs eventually find themselves in a place where […]

How to Help Your Team Avoid Burnout

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We’ve talked before about how to avoid burnout in your life and work. But what about your employees? The first half of 2020 has been rough for everyone in one way or another. You may be seeing the results of this in your team. Your employees productivity may be declining. They may seem uninterested in […]