An Uncomfortable Ending

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With the end of the year quickly approaching, I find myself reflecting on the events of 2019. In the blog, we have spent a lot of time talking about being uncomfortable. We’ve shared stories of uncomfortable errors that we’ve made and uncomfortable business growth that we’ve experienced. And, as I review the year, I have to admit – overall it was an uncomfortable year. 

Don’t get me wrong, there have been a lot of positive things that we’ve experienced throughout 2019. SPEARity had record revenue with 70% growth. We held some amazing BIQs where our SPEARity members were able to network, learn, plan and grow. I’ve enjoyed sharing some of my stories and firsts with being a dog owner (remember Charlie Murphy?). And, I was able to enjoy having my daughter help out with the company this summer. 

There were plenty of good moments. 

But, then there were the uncomfortable moments. Earlier this year, SPEARity experienced the uncomfortable loss of one of our coaches, George Gesior, to a heart attack. Then, several months later my brother Ed passed away. These are difficult moments to deal with that influence the future going forward. 

On the business side, we’ve had uncomfortable growth in many areas. This included trying to hire marketing companies, working towards hiring sales help, and handling the uncomfortable client situations every business deals with from time to time. 

Overall, the year has left me feeling uncomfortable.

But, here are some lessons we can learn from the uncomfortable experiences:

  • Keep your priorities straight and spend time with the people you care about. Business will always be waiting for you, loved ones might not always be there. 
  • Self-care is important and sometimes it’s OK to allow yourself a break. You don’t always have to be “on”. If you are struggling in an area, it’s OK to feel those difficult emotions. 
  • Growth doesn’t always feel good. But that doesn’t mean it should be avoided. You can and should be growing through those uncomfortable experiences. 
  • Having a plan is important, but things don’t always go according to the plan. That’s why you need to be adaptable. And, that’s why it’s important to realign when necessary. 

Lastly, it’s important to take time to be grateful for the things that are good, even when there are other things that aren’t. The success SPEARity experienced in 2019 is because of the talented staff and devoted clients that we have. I’m grateful for each of you and hope you have a wonderful end to your 2019 and that 2020 will be a new and exciting year full of blessings. 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We’ll see you back in 2020. 

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