Unlocking Success: Cultivating a Growth Mindset as a Business Leader

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As a business leader, your mindset is a powerful tool that can greatly impact your success. While a fixed mindset holds you back with limited beliefs and resistance to change, a growth mindset fuels your personal and professional development. By cultivating a growth mindset, you can unlock your potential, adapt to challenges, and lead your […]

The Necessity of a Growth Mindset as a Business Owner

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Growing a business takes a lot of work, but it doesn’t end there. Inevitably, as a business owner, you will come up against challenges you’re unsure of how to move past. You will also experience failure along the way. These are facts that no one wants to accept, but it’s a reality that every business […]

How to Stretch Your Business Growth In 2023

business growth in 2023

Have you spent the last few years wanting to see business growth but feeling like you’re staying stagnant? If you continue doing what you’ve always done, 2023 will look exactly like 2022. But if you’re ready to see a change in yourself and your business, it’s time to set a plan to improve the new […]

Developing a Growth Strategy for Small Business Owners

developing a growth strategy

As a small business owner, developing a growth strategy is crucial for the success of your business. A growth strategy lays out a plan for how you will increase revenue, expand into new markets, and improve your bottom line. But developing a growth strategy can be difficult, especially when you’re busy running your business. That’s […]

3 Simple Ways to Boost Employee Production in Your Small Business

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Small business owners often face the challenge of getting production through others. Whether it’s employees, contractors, or vendors, getting others to produce the results you need can be a difficult task. Reason #1 Lack of Clear Communication One of the main reasons for this is a lack of clear communication. When expectations are not clearly […]

10 Tips to Help You Finish 2022 Strong in Your Business

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Another year has flown by, and we are now well into the 4th quarter. This is the time of year when many business owners and leaders start looking back at the goals they set for the year and try desperately to make progress on them before the year ends. If you’re feeling the pressure of […]

What Leadership Obstacles are Holding You Back?


You’ve probably heard the phrase “natural born leader” before. Maybe people have even used it to describe you. While this can be an incredible compliment, it can also be a hinderance. If you believe that you’re a natural born leader, you may expect that leadership will always come natural to you. You may feel that […]

Self-Improvement and Personal Growth

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I will freely admit I am a self-help book junkie.   It’s not unheard of me to read 3-4 self-help books in a month.  In fact, my idea of a day of bliss is to spend a day alone curled up in my pajamas reading Tony Robbins or Brendon Burchard while heavy snow is falling outside […]