Unleash Your Leadership Potential: Thrive in Discomfort

Embrace Discomfort

  Hey there, it’s me, Darren Fisher, and I’m back on the vlog to talk about something that’s near and dear to my heart – the concept of comfort and discomfort. I know, some of you might be thinking, “Darren, you’ve talked about this before,” but I firmly believe that if you want to master […]

How to Stretch Your Business Growth In 2023

business growth in 2023

Have you spent the last few years wanting to see business growth but feeling like you’re staying stagnant? If you continue doing what you’ve always done, 2023 will look exactly like 2022. But if you’re ready to see a change in yourself and your business, it’s time to set a plan to improve the new […]

How to Get Authentic Feedback as a Leader


In a perfect world, we would do everything right and always know exactly what we should focus on. But this isn’t a perfect world, and we all have blind spots. This means we need to be intentional about seeking feedback as a leader. It’s nice to hear positive things about yourself, but if all you […]

Tired of Working Long Hours? These 7 Tips Can Help

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Are you quickly growing tired of burning the candle at both ends? Or maybe you’ve already reached the point of burnout and know that something needs to change in your schedule. Whatever you are, you’re not alone. Many entrepreneurs, small business owners, and leaders are caught in a cycle of working too many hours each […]

How to Overcome Fear in Business

overcome fear

Our SPEARity business coaches and consultants have discovered something over the years—fear is a part of many of the challenges people face in business. 1. Accept that you feel afraid Fear is something we all experience. However, successful business leaders have learned how to feel fear and not let it stop them from doing the […]

Moving Past Failure and Setbacks as a Leader

overcoming setbacks

Failure. None of us like it, but it’s something we all experience. As a leader, it’s important to learn how to find and maintain inner peace and stability when experiencing setbacks and failure in business. We know it’s true, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to do. Darren Fisher, SPEARity CEO, recently shared a message […]

5 Ways to Turn Business Struggles into Opportunity

struggle to opportunity

Most businesses are struggling to get workers. We’re trying to figure out how to find the right talent and how to keep the workers we have in the midst of the Great Resignation. This is a real struggle that companies and leaders are facing, but it’s not the only one. Even before the labor shortage […]

Is a Lack of Planning Stopping You From Growing as a Business?

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There’s a common problem that we notice—many leaders don’t value planning. They think they are gifted enough to be able to just figure it out in the moment when needed. It’s worked for them so far, but the problem is if you want to grow past where you currently are, you’re going to have to […]

How to Break Down Goals into Actionable Tasks

steps toward goal

We’ve all heard about the importance of setting goals in business. Goals are what tell you what direction you’re trying to go. Setting goals helps you continue to move the needle forward in the right direction. But it’s not as simple as just setting a goal. You need to follow up with breaking goals down […]