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The Strategist


Uncomfortable Naming Rights

For those of us living in Milwaukee, the downtown area has been booming. Many new

Uncomfortable Addition

I’ve never owned a dog before because situations and circumstances prevented me from owning one.

Uncomfortable Aaron Rodgers

For those that are totally unaware of what’s happening on this planet, Shark Week just ended
SPEARity app productivity

3 Ways the SPEARity App has Improved My Productivity

Can you remember back to when apps first starting showing up? I can and I
cusotmer experience 2

Customer Experience Starts with Leadership

You have probably heard the term “customer experience”. In fact, it’s been floating around a
achieve goals with the spearity app

Break Down and Achieve Goals With the SPEARity™ App

The English author, George Eliot once wrote, “Great things are not done by impulse but
Imposter Syndrom graphic

How to Overcome Impostor Syndrome

I heard a statistic today that 70% of people in America suffer from Imposter Syndrome.

Why We Love Monday and How You Can Too

It’s Monday! Do those words put fear in you? Does a sense of dread start
3 keys to effective leadership

The Three Keys to Effective Leadership

Have you ever wondered what’s so special about the number three? As children, we heard
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