10 Leadership Lessons to Bring You into 2023

Once again, we’re about to flip the calendar to another new year. And once again, focusing too much on the overall media messages can overwhelm you with uncertainty about the future. But you don’t have to focus on those messages. SPEARity founder and CEO Darren Fisher shares weekly vlogs for leaders and business owners working […]
Why You Need to Set Your SMART Goals Backwards

Do you struggle when trying to set SMART goals? It could be that you’re doing it all wrong. Well, not really all wrong, but there is a simple change you can do to make setting SMART goals easier. It’s as simple as working backwards. Instead of SMART, focus on TRAMS. SMART goals overview Before we […]
10 Tips to Help You Finish 2022 Strong in Your Business

Another year has flown by, and we are now well into the 4th quarter. This is the time of year when many business owners and leaders start looking back at the goals they set for the year and try desperately to make progress on them before the year ends. If you’re feeling the pressure of […]
What Happens After You Set Goals?

We all know setting goals is important in life and business. While you may struggle to know exactly how to set the right goals, there’s no denying the need to set some if you want to grow and scale your business. A quick internet search of “how to set business goals” results in 1.1 billion results. So, […]
6 Leadership Tips to Prepare for a Strong Second Quarter

As always, the first quarter of the year has flown by. It’s time to be reviewing the things that went well and the things that didn’t get accomplished during that time. It’s also time to make sure those Q2 goals are established that will help you work toward the overall goals for the year. Here […]
5 Ways to Use Tech to Reach Your Business Goals

It’s 2021 and if tech isn’t a part of your business, it needs to be. There are so many ways that you can incorporate tech into your business to make it run more efficiently. This not only reduces unnecessary stress in your life, but it can also help you reach your business goals easier. Here […]
Uncomfortable Firmness

It’s resolution time everybody. “Why?” you may wonder. It’s because it’s new. As people, we love new. I know there’s the whole “vintage” movement, but even in that movement they restore things to be “like new”. When we think new, we think fresh. So with a new year comes a fresh opportunity to make a new resolution to do something different. There’s really only one minor problem with New Year’s resolutions…they get old really fast.
Why Goal Setting is Crucial for Leadership

Harvard Business conducted a study about goal setting that turned up some astounding results – 83 percent of people do not have goals. This may not surprise you if you talk to your family, friends, and coworkers; it seems people gave up on goal setting years ago. But, what should surprise you is the difference […]
The Importance of Buy-in During the Goal Setting Process

There is no getting around the importance of SMART goal setting to reach your business goals. But, once you have set your SMART goals, you need to have buy-in on all levels in order to reach the goals. You can spend hours in meetings developing strategic plans and goal setting, but if your resources, including your […]